Judy in the office

Good morning everyone!

Now that Judy and Paul are back from their trip to Canada, Judy’s going to be taking over the office work and I’ll be focusing more and spending more time on outreach and PR type stuff. Praise the Lord! I’m SO excited :] I just thought I would send out a quick email to let you all know that you’ll be keeping in contact primarily with Judy now through here. But I’m still here, don’t worry 😛 I won’t be leaving this place anytime soon, that’s for sure.

God bless!

Erma Fennell Foundation

http://ermafennellfoundation.com (website)

https://ermafennell.wordpress.com (blog)

011-52-616-166-3116 (office number)

P.O. Box 8010

Chula Vista, CA 91910 (address for donations)

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